
XTube is one of those free porn tube sites that anyone that has been online for 10 minutes should know. I have been online for so many years that I think I was there from the concept. Not that I was ever a part of it, I just knew them. That being said, I can honestly say that they take their sites very serious and monitor it closely to make sure they are giving you very good porn that updates several times a day. They have grown from a mere tube site without a lot to speak of, but over the years, as they expanded their network to be one of, if not, the biggest free tube site network. I believe, if I am not wrong, the network started out with Pornhub and then grew from there to what it is today.

There are a lot of features that can be used here. The membership is free to join for the basic membership. The premium membership gives you just a few more features, like ad-free. Then we get to the PLUS Zone at XTube, and that’s where the whole package comes into play. This is a paid membership, but you get a lot of features with this one. You also have the photos section and there is even a community. What it comes down to is other sites link to their videos, and they don’t have to, they are the videos network.

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